Sunday, January 3, 2010

Taking Lorazepam Why Do I Feel Dizzy After Taking Lorazepam?

Why do i feel dizzy after taking lorazepam? - taking lorazepam

take pills 2 mg lorazepam and sleeping pills.
I feel bad to fall asleep when I wake up and try to go to, I feel dizzy and can not walk properly.
Why is this happening?

Lorazepam no doctor prescribe me, nobody.
My father owns the bottle.


Kraftee said...

2-mg dose is relatively large, and probably why you are sick and dizzy. I take 5 mg and puts me to sleep!

The real problem I see in your Q is that you take things without prescription. What is it? If you have trouble sleeping, talk to your doctor so that he / she can prescribe you something if you need it. My bet is that he as a Rx from 2 mg lorazepam.

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